Ange Nevicosi Staner - plein air painter

Reader Spotlight: Ange Nevicosi Staner

"I love working vacations," says Plein Air Today reader Ange Nevicosi Staner. "Last fall I had a great opportunity to enjoy a girl's trip to ...
“Anasazi Trail” by Jim Wodark

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Anasazi Trail

In this weekly series Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting from the current issue.

My Favorite Place to Paint: Carol Strock Wasson

Indiana artist Carol Strock Wasson found an abstract shape near her home that makes the spot her favorite place to paint. Lead Image: “Late...
Plein Air Magazine - Joseph Zbukvic watercolor painting -

Plein Air Artists: Better Together

Discover what’s inside the newest issue of Plein Air magazine, including works by Joseph Zbukvic and a convention preview, in this sneak peek.
C.W. Mundy, “Red Striped Umbrellas, Santa Margherita Ligure,” (Italy Light & Color 1996 Collection), 16 x 20 inches, oil on linen, painted en plein air, Private Collection

Words of Wisdom with C.W. Mundy

I’ve been known to tell my students, “You’ll never know how far left is or how far right is until you hang out on a limb.” In other words ...
William Schneider, "Leaving the P&C at Dusk," 30 x 30 in.

The Real Key to Colors that People Love

"When someone tells me, 'I just love your colors,' I, of course, appreciate the compliment, but I think the real key lies in ...
Plein air landscape painting - Tom Hughes

Kelly Kane’s Pick of the Week: Loire Valley Pasture

Kelly Kane, Editor-in-Chief of Plein Air Magazine, shares a favorite painting and artist quote. This week's feature is "Loire Valley Pasture" by John Hughes.
Oil painting of a girl selling flowers

Just Go Looking

In this "inspiration in a minute" post, Kevin Macpherson takes us beyond the paintbrush.

A Window Into the Canyon

Colorado artist Joshua Been recently posted a video on YouTube that offers something for painters, new collectors, and folks just interested in seeing intrepid...
Michele Usibelli, "Highline," 12 x 16 in., oil, Mountain Oyster Club Western Art Show/Archives

A Moment From the High Sierras

A moment from a trip that Michele Usebelli says was "a trip and experience I'll never forget and am anxious to do again!"
Painting on Location - Great Wall of China -

Painting On Location: The Great Wall and the Painted Hall

UK artist Rob Pointon shares his experience of painting outdoors at the Great Wall of China, and on location at the Painted Hall in London.

What the Rocks Tell Us: The Shape of the Land

In this series of articles, Utah artist J. Brad Holt talks about what artists are seeing as they look at the landscape. Holt studied...

What the Rocks Tell Us: The Legacy of Pangaea

In this series of articles, Utah artist J. Brad Holt talks about what artists are seeing as they look at the landscape. Holt studied...
Painting with watercolor and oil

Watercolor or Oil … Paint is Paint, Right?

Painting a favorite scene many times, and in different mediums, can teach you a lot about the subject and help hone your approach to capturing its essence in your work.
Plein air

Painting Waves and Waterfalls – With Intention and Improv

In addition to technique, your intention and ability to improvise play a key role in painting waterfalls and waves, and in creativity.

Meanwhile, in Saskatchewan…

Mike Keepness paints in the wilds of Saskatchewan, Canada, so he has some plein air stories. Usually, his visitors are quite benign, like last...
Kim Lordier - pastel painting en plein air

“Then I Got Adventurous” – Kim Lordier on Pastel Painting

Surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of nature, California artist Kim Lordier balances light and dark to create dynamic pastel compositions.
Plein air artist and teacher Lois Griffel

Why I Love to Paint: A Plein Air Today Reader Spotlight

A Plein Air Today Reader Spotlight: "The act of painting is exhilarating but it has also taught me many lessons."
7 Tips for Improving a Landscape Painting Composition

7 Tips for Improving a Landscape Painting Composition

In this free article, score Dan Marshall's tips, plus three case studies on landscape painting composition.

Parting Shot: This Is Spring?

Julie Riker enjoyed a nice spring day of painting recently. Can’t you tell?