How to paint with white - "Winter in the Alley" by Kyle Buckland
"Winter in the Alley" by Kyle Buckland

On Painting with White > Kyle Buckland shares a helpful technique that has been practiced by some of the greatest landscape painters.


Kyle recently released a brand new video workshop on how to be courageous with color in your landscape paintings. Preview it here:


It’s amazing what you can do with only eight colors plus white … using five tube primaries and three earth tones (colors Kyle considers toned-down versions of his primaries), you can quite simply achieve color harmony every time you paint. You have a built-in fail-proof system for great painting results!

After a review of the simple palette and tools you’ll want on hand to get started, in this workshop Kyle teaches you the language of color — what words to use to describe color accurately, what different kinds of colors can do for you and what you want to say in your painting, how to find your style through your use of color, and more. As Kyle says, “Color is a language that transcends all boundaries.”

From there you’ll follow along step by step with Kyle to paint a colorful landscape set off by backlit trees, distant rolling hills, and a vibrant sky — the perfect setting to practice your skills! Kyle’s friendly and straightforward instruction makes this workshop accessible to artists of all skill levels. “We should practice so much that we become inspired by our own abilities. Then we’ll never run out of inspiration!” [Learn more about “Courageous Color”]

For your pleasure, here are some more of Kyle’s works:

"A Gentle Breeze" by Kyle Buckland
“A Gentle Breeze” by Kyle Buckland
"Spring on the Mountain" by Kyle Buckland
“Spring on the Mountain” by Kyle Buckland
"Autumn's Embrace" by Kyle Buckland
“Autumn’s Embrace” by Kyle Buckland

About the Artist: Kyle Buckland artist

Kyle Buckland is a contemporary impressionist painter who focuses on painting landscapes both plein air and in the studio.

Kyle’s love of landscape painting began early on at around the age of 15 when he began painting en plein air around his parents home in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.

Kyle continues to live and work in Virginia but also enjoys traveling in search of new inspiring vistas as well. His can be viewed online at Kyle is a member of OPA, AIS and a signature member of PAP-SE.

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