Watercolor by Thomas W. Schaller
Watercolor by Thomas W. Schaller

“Painting with watercolor is a subtractive process.”

This is what Thomas W. Schaller shared with Eric Rhoads on an episode of the Plein Air Podcast.

He explained that when people ask him about painting light in watercolor, he always tells them:

“You don’t [paint light]. Painting with watercolor is a subtractive process. You start with 100 percent of light, and then you begin to carefully, or not so carefully, subtract away.”

His approach entails painting the shades and the shadows that give white the identity of light — the luminosity you want to have. Light can’t exist without dark. So you paint the darker areas to give light.

It’s like taking an untouched block of stone or marble and subtracting the unnecessary parts to reveal the amazing art within.

“You carve away the light to reveal the painting that’s just waiting there to be found. And I just don’t get that same rush with acrylic or oil. I just think watercolor is something very, very different. It’s very special.”

Having the opportunity to learn from Thomas W. Schaller is a true privilege few are able to experience. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce that he will be sharing his expertise at Watercolor Live 2025! Want to see who else will be making an appearance? Click here.


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